Here you will find many of my favorite things and hacks I use every day! There are 3 different categories: Nutrition, Fitness, and Life Hacks! And no, none of these companies paid/asked me to include them here, I really use them personally and these are my honest thoughts
NON-Crappy PB Powder!
I find that powdered PB is easier to mix/cook with, but just like regular peanut butter or many "natural" PBs out there, most powdered options have added sugar or other ingredients that ya don't need. This one has ONE ingredient.... PEANUS! #whodathunk
These are amazing!!!! There is every freaking sauce, seasoning, dressing, dip, etc you could want... with REAL INGREDIENTS YOU CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT SHOVING IN YOUR PIE HOLE!!
These guys are becoming more popular because I feel like they have everythhiiinnngg, and for ridiculously cheap. That does not mean the quality is crap, it means you are not paying for fillers, flavors, or anything extra. Most of the time, it is literally ONE ingredient, the one you are looking for. I get use them for Vitamin C, Tumeric, Beta Alanine, Mushroom, Lions Mane, L-Cartinine, Calcium, and they SOMETIMES have the good creatine in stock (usually sold out - see Kion below). They have protein too, I have not tried it, but it has extra stuff in it that I don't want. I use Ascent for protein (cleanest protein with most flavor. (Don't sleep on the Lemon Sorbet - it was surprisingly good! That strawberry and chocolate PB tho.....!)
**I will say, do NOT GET UNFLAVORED BCAAS, ANYWHERE. EVER. THEY TASTE LIKE HOT VOMIT. I made that mistake once and I will never make it again lol. There's a MUCH better option for BCAAs below with Kion.**
Kion is an awesome company, and the owners are SO NICE and CARE about quality ingredients. They don't just find the cheapest stuff and make false claims. I used to believe the whole "you can just get BCAAs/aminos from your food" theory.. which you can! But your body CRAVES all of the essential aminos together, in specific amounts. So good luck finding a food like that lol. I've use them for a while now, and have PR'd my snatch, hang clean (TWICE), and a few oly complexes. You can geek out on the science of why these aminos are FAR SUPERIOR in their YouTube video below :) (The CEO is on the right)
There are 2 main sources of Creatine, one from China, and the other from Germany. Germany makes high quality Creapure, and its the only kind I will use. Kion's creatine is Creapure, unflavored, and simple. They have other stuff too, like protein, energy bars, coffee, etc! We worked with them through Grid last season, so you might still be able to get 20% off but I am not sure - the code is jess20 if it still works!
The BEST Electrolytes in Existence.
Screw Pedialyte, Gatorade, and every other sugary drink full of insane ingredients. WHY DO WE GIVE THAT CRAP TO KIDS??? LMNT is the shit. That's it. It has sodium, potassium, and magnesium. AND NO ADDED SUGAR OR CRAP. 3 Things we NEED to exist, recover, and perform. The FDA scares you out of consuming salt, for whatever reason, and recommends 2.3g, while your body needs 5g a day to FUNCTION, not even considering heat, working out, etc.
Omega 3/Fish Oil That Actually Has What It Says It Has!
I have compared a LOT of omega 3s and fish oils, and these are the best bang for the buck. Most other brands claim "2,000mg!" but when you look at the EPA & DHA, its like 300 and 200, while the rest is fillers.
I LOVE THESE THINGS. I bought these because I lost my first set lol - but these ended up being a better value with 2 of each of better sized cups! You get 6 for only $20!! I also bought a few bigger ones (see below) bc the biggest ones here were a little smaller than the ones I lost, but the size of is actually better for working out because they stay MUCH better during things like squats/hinging. I use them pretty much every day to the point where people at the gym either comment on them or ask me where it is if by chance I don't have one on me when they see me! They help promote blood flow, relieve muscle soreness, joint pain, help with my back, etc. They say it helps with cellulite but Idk how much I believe that part :)
Ok THIS thing is cool because its like the cupping guy on crack. You can set it to a certain pressure, time, temp, and it even massages ya! I tried the cheap $27.99 version and I got what I paid for. The lowest intensity was WAY too high and there was really no messaging whatsoever. Returned it. The Achedaway one has REALLY good massage options, and has its own app, which comes in handy for when its on your back and can't see the freaking buttons!
The Best Thumb Tape On The Planet. Change My Mind.
You can't, because I have tried at least 6-7 other brands, and they all fail compared to WodNDone. EVERY OTHER TAPE like Lift Genie, Rock Tape, Bear Komplex, Lyft, and a few others ALL bunch up after a few freaking lifts. I use WODNDONE every freaking day (and sometimes I even reuse the tape because I can lol). It NEVER BUNCHES, and it lasts for my entire sessions. They also have hand grips to protect your hands from ripping on the rig, barbell, rings, KBS, etc.
This is a really affordable option to consistently find your Body Fat percentage, water retention, muscle percentage, visceral fat, and more. It syncs with an app so you can track all of your data! They have other fun stuff too like massage guns, electronic measuring tapes, and massagers!
This little guy is so cool! It follows me around so I don't have to constantly move my phone during my workouts, or worry if I am in the frame. I originally tried Pivo, but that thins is like $200, requires an app, and has shit video quality (and they are SUPER SHADY and tried to screw me out of my refund). This one is like $39 bucks and you don't need an app. You use your own camera. Super easy.
Yup. This is made for horses. But tiger balm and icy hot don't do a damn thing anymore... so I have upgraded to this stuff and its amazeballs. I put this stuff EVERYWHERE before I work out.. knees, back, shoulders, hips, lats. I am a true Masters Athlete lol. It helps gets things movin!
Accupuncture Mat with Pillow
Obviously I got the orange one lol, but there's a bunch of other colors! This thing is awesome. It takes a but to get used to, but now I freaking fall asleep on it. It helps my back chill out, helps relax my muscles overall, and helps me sleep. It can help with circulation, stress relief, and just reduce pain overall. It's got THOUSANDS of acupressure points that stimulate nerves. It's pretty cool!
This thing has helped my back pain SO MUCH. I don't do any of the crazy yoga aerial cirque du soleil stuff, I literally just hand upside-down like this chick, 3 minutes a day! Yes I got the orange one lol.. but again, there's "normal" colors.
WHAT!!!! IT CAN ALSO BE A HAMMOCK?!! I didn't even think of that until I went to get the picture for this and saw the woman chillin....
You have probably seen a lot of Games/Elite athletes promoting these things. I did too... so here we are lol. But I found them here for less than half the price! I don't really have foot pain, but it's just a fun thing I added into my morning routine that I actually enjoy.. and my feet feel better walking around the house as I get ready for the day. They help with plantar fasciitis, toe alignment, etc. Plus the double as a toe separator for painting your nails lol
These things are a life saver being on the go. They are reusable, or reusable! If you eat as much as I do, sometimes I just can't keep up with dishes, but it's nice to know I CAN reuse these too. You get 50 for $26.99!